Sunday, February 25, 2007


Today we got to entertain ourselves with one of my personal favorites Family Guy and Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken was funny how it used clay-mation to poke fun at different things. I thought that the Smurfs one was the funniest because it reminded me so much of the original but had a nice adult spin on it. I really enjoyed Family Guy because they poke fun at everyone and it is just so random. I think that the use of MAD TV, Saturday Night Live, or The Simpsons would be a good use for future showings. Alright well Bryson out.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Debate Review

Overall I think the debate went pretty well. It was annoying at times when people would interupt someone before they were done making their point, ready to argue. Personally I was not too much into the topic being debated but like I have stated before I will keep an open mind and I did. I really thought that the lake side brought forward some good points and i thought my side had good points as well, just a tad bit too ready to argue. Overall it was a good experience, Bryson out.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Debate Topic

Running Quarterback Vs Drop back Quarterback

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Game Time

Well for this post I am supposed to play a game with someone and tell what game and who it is I want to play with. I think if I had to pick a game it would be baseball. If I was playing baseball I would want to play with Dontrelle Willis of the Florida Marlins or Nomar Garciaparra of the Los Angeles Dodgers. That would just be a swell time, ha I know you like that word ha, and those are just two of my favorite baseball players. Alright well until next time, Bryson out!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Well i was watching the ole boob tube when I ran across one of those cheezy J.G. Wentworth commericals. All it was is an old man standing in front of a desk talking about trust and determination. It was like a home made commercial and really made him appear like an ambulance chaser. After watching that I feel that he is one of those type lawyers that will take any case to make any money no matter what it is. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 2.5. Bryson out.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Convincing Erin

Hey Erin,
I think that you should check out the show The Office. It is funny but not like stupid fart joke funny. It is really sarcastic humor, which is how I am. I think you would enjoy it too. It does have Steve Carrell in it too and he is hilarious. Well I think you should trust me on this one and check it out. Plus not much else is on Thursday nights at 8:30 so I mean come on.